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Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

Marketing Analytics

Marketing is undergoing a data-driven transformation for developing strategies to acquire, manage, and retain business-to-business and business-to-customer relationships. Recent advancements in collecting, storing, and analyzing information have created new business opportunities for marketers tasked with strategic planning and execution responsibilities, resulting in significant awareness of the potential of marketing analytics. This course prepares students to turn business data into prescriptive recommendations for the marketing execution process. Students will learn how to use SAS Enterprise Guide (analytic software technology) and will become comfortable with managing data, applying techniques to convert data into usable information, and analysis. An important consideration is students will learn how to apply analytic techniques to various business challenges. In addition, students will learn by doing: that is, guided by the instructor and using software and assigned readings/videos, they will take a hands-to-keys approach to develop prescriptive recommendations for marketing and business.
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Associated Degrees