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Marketing and Public Relations

Public Relations Specialties

Because of New York University's location and relationships, students taking this course will be taught by and work with leaders from the healthcare industry, as well as TV networks, motion picture studios, recording labels and sports marketing. Those and other specialties will be covered from two perspectives; first, the knowledge of the particular industry that a public relations person must have; and second, the general communications skills that can be honed to meet the needs of a particular industry. From an industry that can literally save lives, students will gain an understanding of a pharmaceutical product's life cycle and how to promote an over-the-counter or prescription product. From an industry that is as dynamic and exciting as any, students will learn how to promote culture and entertainment. Whether the particular product promotes health, happiness or intellectual stimulation, the public relations practitioner must be well grounded in the principles of ethics that will be studied in this course. In addition, the course will cover special events management and electronic public relations, fields that some practitioners specialize in.
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Associated Degrees