Center for Publishing

Finance in Publishing II

Building upon the concepts in Introduction to Multimedia Financial Analysis, this course focuses on the interpretation and understanding of the financial results of book and magazine/digital media, as well as how this information is used in decision-making and business plan development. The course is designed to supplement the Capstone course and refresh and expand financial assumptions learned in PUBB1-GC 1150 Principles of Finance in Publishing. Topics emphasized during the course include: The preparation and control of budgets as a management tool and the importance of cost accounting in pricing and determining profitability. Students learn the basics of financial modeling in book and magazine/digital media companies, and work toward a final project in which they work in a team to develop a financial model, including a presentation of assumptions using tools learned over the course of the semester. Preparation of this model supplements similar work done on an individual basis in the Capstone course.
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Associated Degrees