Preston Robert Tisch Institute for Global Sport

Sports Business Thesis I

The Sports Business Thesis I course is designed for students to synthesize knowledge gained throughout their program of study at SPS and complete an independent research study under the close supervision of the course instructor. Under the guidance of a faculty member, students will use skills honed in all courses leading up to the master¿s thesis research project, which is expected to combine research, writing, and analytical methods, to demonstrate expertise within a specific area covered in earlier graduate coursework. Students will be expected to conduct a research study over the course of two semesters and make a clear, educated final recommendation on how to solve, address or advance a key issue or problem within the sports business industry. Personal and colleague-influenced analysis and production along with a demonstration of theoretical and practical knowledge are keys to the finished project. The thesis should contribute new knowledge to the existing work and research surrounding the industry issue or problem. The thesis, delivered in an extended written report along with a timed presentation, brings together the range of learning interest and outcomes accrued over the duration of study within the M.S. in Sports Business degree. Specifically, in the Sports Business Thesis I course, students will develop their thesis topic idea, conduct a thorough literature review on the topic, and develop a methodological plan for their research, including applying for IRB approval if necessary. In Sports Business Thesis I, the student will write a draft of Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of their thesis. The student will complete the remainder of the thesis in the Sports Business Thesis II course.
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Associated Degrees