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Global Field Intensives

The NYUSPS Center for Global Affairs (CGA) provides students with unique opportunities to pursue their academic and professional interests abroad through Global Field Intensives.

About GFI


These immersive courses allow students to maximize their in-country academic experience by engaging in comprehensive pre-departure research and project planning, actively shaping their in-country experience and research. Global Field Intensives incorporate the following elements:

  • Pre-departure class sessions and consultation with professors that allow students to develop meaningful research goals in advance of each trip.
  • Partnerships with local academic institutions, as well as offices in the government, private, and international/multilateral sectors, offer unparalleled access to experts and practitioners.
  • Site visits at each destination translate ideas into action, and students network with speakers and organizations to advance their academic and professional contacts.

GFI Regions

United Arab Emirates: Gender and Sustainable Development in the Gulf Region

Over a period of less than thirty years, the United Arab Emirates, in particular Dubai and Abu Dhabi, have transformed themselves from small, oil-rich Gulf monarchies into “global cities,” ranking among the most highly developed nations in the world, leading innovators in renewable energy, glittering hubs for international art, media, finance and banking, hosts to globally renowned educational institutions, and at the forefront for women’s empowerment in the Gulf States. Yet the country is not resting on its laurels. Faced with finite natural resources and a young population, Abu Dhabi, in its Vision 2030, and Dubai, in its Dubai Plan 2021, lay out ambitious, holistic plans to transform the Emirates into a vibrant, modern, multicultural and global knowledge society that seamlessly integrates a constitutional monarchy, limited democratic participation, religion and cultural traditions with high technology. How is this kind of development sustainable, socially, economically and environmentally? How are the Emirates dealing with the inevitable social and environmental transformations and trade-offs such a success story requires? Is such extensive social and economic development possible without also expanding political participation rights? Additionally, the UAE, a close ally of the United States and Saudi Arabia, is located in one of the most volatile regions of the planet and conducts a moderate realist foreign policy that is anchored in state security, stability, regional co-operation, anti-extremism, and builds alliances through substantial development assistance. The principal objective of the course/global field intensive is to explore how the UAE navigate the complicated dynamics of cultural traditions, social change, the demands of gender equality, the post-2015 development agenda, and geo-political imperatives. Through site visits and meetings with representatives from academia, think tanks, women’s rights and youth organizations, government, the private sector, and the arts, we will explore the pathways and strategies for sustainable social development that the UAE have taken as well as ponder the challenges that remain.

Global Field Intensives Around the World