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The Academy of Lifelong Learning

The Academy of Lifelong Learning (ALL) offers exciting online and in-person courses, expert faculty, and a vibrant community committed to the ongoing pursuit of knowledge.

Taught by NYU Faculty, Open to All

Pursue your interests and join a thriving community online or in-person

The Academy of Lifelong Learning (ALL) at the School of Professional Studies is a community that brings together a diverse population of students of all ages committed to the ongoing and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge. ALL encourages critical thinking and supports students seeking personal enrichment, connection with a social network, and the acquisition of new skills and perspectives.

Students 65+ Receive an Automatic 25% Discount

ALL is excited to offer students 65 and over a 25% discount on any of its courses. The discount is automatically applied at checkout.

To enroll for courses online, you need to create an NYU SPS account. Scroll down to learn how.
You can also enroll by phone by calling (212) 998-7150

To enroll, please click on the link below or call Registration at (212) 998-7150.

I have an NYU SPS account

I do not have an NYU SPS account

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the Academy of Lifelong Learning?

What will I find on the Academy's website?

How can I share ideas or questions I have about the Academy's courses, events, or the website?

Which department should I contact with questions about registration?

I am not sure which course to take/I have questions about a course. Whom should I contact?

Where do I find out how much courses cost?

How do I get a copy of the syllabus?

How can I stay updated on news and announcements from the Academy of Lifelong Learning?

Contact Us

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  • Registration
  • Course Information
  • Events
  • Advising
  • General Queries
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