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Alpha Sigma Lambda Honors Society

Exemplary students at the NYU SPS Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies (NYU SPS DAUS) are eligible for induction into the Alpha Sigma Lambda (ASL) national honor society for post-traditional and adult students in higher education. The Society’s mission is to promote the visibility of post-traditional students continuing their education and celebrate their academic achievements.

Inductees are selected based upon achieving and maintaining outstanding scholastic standards and leadership characteristics. To be eligible, a student must have completed a minimum of 32 credits towards an associate or bachelor’s degree at NYU SPS DAUS; hold a cumulative minimum 3.7 GPA; and participate in the annual induction ceremony, typically held in April.

Delta Upsilon is the NYU Chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda

Clinical Associate Professor April Krassner is the faculty adviser.


Photo credit: Stephen Bleuler