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September 24, 2021

NYU Shanghai’s Laurie Underwood Shares China CEO Insights with Division of Programs in Business

The NYU SPS Division of Programs in Business (DPB) commenced its Fall 2021 Industry Connection Series (ICS) with NYU Shanghai faculty member, Dr. Laurie Underwood, on September 23, 2021. Dr. Underwood is the author of China CEO II and presented a webinar on “Working in China: Advice from China CEOs” for NYU students, faculty, alumni, and staff. 

The event began with a welcome and introduction from DPB Dean, Dr. Martin Ihrig, followed by a recent history of China’s economy and digital transformation. In her most recent book, Dr. Underwood interviewed 25 China-based CEOs of multinational companies about their leadership strategies, including CEOs of Bayer, Bosch, Coca-Cola, L’Oreal, IKEA, Marriott, Microsoft, Sony, and Tata. Dr. Underwood summarized their insights for webinar guests, focusing on the essential qualities and skills for foreign professionals and senior-level leaders in China. She also shared advice for starting a career in China and answered questions from the audience, followed by closing remarks from Dean Ihrig.

Now in its fifth year, the Industry Connection Series has garnered a growing audience for thought-provoking talks such as "The CEO Test," "Presenting Across Cultures," and "Leadership and Empowerment Lessons from an Everest Summiteer." Each session provides DPB students, faculty, alumni, and staff with leading-edge insights into current business trends and industry developments.

Dr. Laurie Underwood teaches “Intercultural Business Communications” and “Strategic Communications” as a visiting instructor at NYU Shanghai and has studied, lived, and worked in China since 2002. As a Sr. Associate Professor of Management, she teaches Cross-Cultural Communications and Leadership, International Marketing, and Corporate Communications to Executive Education, IMBA, Masters, and Undergraduate students. She also serves as a senior consultant at Sino-Associates, delivering corporate training and coaching to multinational companies and business organizations in China.

Dr. Underwood is the co-author of three top-selling China business books published by Wiley: China CEO II (2020), China CEO (2006) and China Entrepreneur (2009). The audio version of China CEO II was released in June 2021.

DPB is the largest division at NYU School of Professional Studies, with over 2,000 students, 500 faculty, and over 9,000 alumni. The Division comprises four centers of excellence that educate leaders in the functional areas of an enterprise. Each department’s credit and continuing education offerings serve students at every level of their careers, providing them with the skills required to succeed in critical positions in their professional development.

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