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July 18, 2023

MASY Faculty Spotlight: Eli Joseph, MS in Management and Systems

Eli Joseph is an author, public speaker, and adjunct instructor at the NYU SPS Division of Programs in Business (DPB) where he teaches in the MS in Management and Systems (MASY) program. He specializes in behavioral finance, data analytics, statistics, and quantitative finance. Doctor Joseph serves as a member of the World Economic Forum Expert Network, TED, and the Recording Academy. He maintains an active social media presence on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other popular platforms. Eli joined us to discuss teaching, as well as his strategies for overcoming adversity and rejection on the road toward achieving one's goals.

Q: With your background in business administration, what makes you most passionate about teaching?
I’m passionate about playing a vital role in unlocking the potential of my students. I see each of my students as a vessel of new future possibilities, and I'm eager to contribute to that. Beyond the theoretical challenges that my students face in my MASY classes, I take pride in helping students build the technological, analytical, and managerial skills that make them highly competitive after graduation.

Q: In your opinion, what technological advances have most shaped data science since you entered the field?
Thanks to deep learning—specifically prompt engineering tools such as GPT-3, GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and OpenAI, we have the uncanny ability to instantaneously answer almost any question through simple instructions without using any technical codes. Through machine-learning algorithms, operating systems can actually "learn" from data. Advanced deep learning algorithms have enabled computers to refine and optimize in order to complete tasks and jobs in an efficient and accurate manner.

As an instructor in this space, I carry the responsibility of helping students adapt to this ever-changing climate of data science. I enjoy preparing students to explore a broad range of career paths in the field of technology management by providing a solid foundation in information technology management skills critical to business management.

Q: Can you pinpoint any overarching concept or principles you try to convey to your students to equip them for the future?
I try to convey three key principles from my book The Perfect Rejection Resume to my students. First off, "rent" is due every day. Our effort is the currency that pays that rent. Second, direction is more important than speed. It doesn’t matter how fast you’re going if you are heading the wrong way. It is important to take your time and make sure you are heading in the right direction. Then you can increase your velocity. And lastly, dream big, think small. Every small effort compound into a larger pathway toward your future. The greatest driving force of success is progression, not perfection. We love to celebrate our successes, but the lessons we learn from our failure help us navigate an unforeseeable future.

Q: Why do you think continuing education is so critical for professionals in your field?
There is a need to remain competitive in this constantly changing world. Immersive theoretical and practical programs help professionals stay competitive in today’s market.

Q: You've faced no shortage of challenges in your journey to becoming one of the youngest black instructors to simultaneously teach at three prominent universities. Can you speak to what has driven you on your path forward?
I have built a solid brand through the lessons that I have learned from my failures. As previously mentioned, I am constantly updating my "rejection resume"—a document that showcases my failures over time. This resume summarizes the number of hurdles that I had to jump through in the past to succeed today. Through introspective exercises, I see failure as a frequent challenge that comes with my goals.

Additionally, I don’t celebrate my wins. I acknowledge my success, but I quickly seek new challenges that can potentially help me navigate my path forward. That way, I am consistently seeking new opportunities without the fear of failing along the way.

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