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Be a Sponsor

Sponsor the Future Workforce Global Summit

Thank you for considering sponsorship of the Future Workforce Global Summit on June 20-21, 2024 in Berlin, Germany.

Through pre-conference marketing materials, prominent placement in conference-day materials and signage, and post-conference correspondence with attendees, sponsorship offers a high level of visibility with a projected audience of 200 global corporate, government, and academic professionals in the workforce transformation space. The funds raised will support NYU partnerships, research innovation labs, student scholarships, and post-graduate employment. 


Emerging Tech Sponsorship Form in collaboration with ICF Germany

If you are a smaller company seeking to sponsor the Summit, please consider the Emerging Tech Sponsorship Form.

If you have any further questions, please contact Phuong Tran with the subject line: NYU FWGS Summit Sponsorships. 

ICF Germany

Questions or inquiries? Please contact with subject line: Future Workforce Global Summit.