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Global Programs

As an NYU School of Professional Studies Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality student, you will have opportunities to take courses around the world that will provide a global perspective of the hospitality, travel and tourism industries. To truly capture the global essence of these fields, Tisch Center students are encouraged to integrate global experiences into their programs of study.


The Tisch Center offers study away programs designed to introduce students to international, cultural, and business contexts that elevate their ability to lead in any setting, thereby increasing their value to employers. Study away courses incorporate theoretical knowledge and business application, providing students with the opportunity to analyze the latest trends and forces shaping these global industries.


For example, students on study trips to London gained firsthand experience with visitor management and sports tourism development. In London, students visited the 2012 Olympic site, Chelsea Stadium, and Wimbledon Tennis Club. They explored the effects of the games in terms of urban regeneration, infrastructure development, and gentrification. While the focus of the course was on sports tourism, the program also included exposure to other tourism forms such as heritage tourism, food tourism and cultural tourism.


For Undergraduates

Tisch undergraduate students may opt to study at one of NYU’s global academic centers.


Students consult closely with the NYU Office of Global Programs and Tisch Center faculty members and advisors to plan a global study experience that best matches their personal interests and program requirements. Because learning occurs at an NYU site, credit, and financial aid transfer seamlessly.

Photos from past Global Field Intensives