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Interview with Eric Altschul

1. How has your career path changed up until now?
It is amazing how life (work and personal) changes along your journey. I always knew where I wanted to go but could have never planned the road that has gotten me here.

2. Did you have a mentor who helped you get to where you are now? If so, what would you say is the most important thing you learned from your mentor?
I have had a series of mentor at various stages of my career and am lucky enough to have been taught some wonderful lifelong lessons. Some of the key lessons that have stayed with me include:

  • No matter what you do, no matter whether it is what you want to be doing, give it your best effort because everything you do is a personal reflection on you.
  • Know your numbers.
  • Always make the ethical decision.
  • Make a decision, if it is wrong you can change direction, but indecision is stagnation and stagnant businesses can’t survive.

3. What advice would you give to those pursuing their first business venture?
Be vulnerable, don’t be afraid to reach out for advice, support and guidance. Thinking you have all the answers means that you are ignoring the lessons so many others have learned which could have a significant positive impact on what you are trying to achieve.

4. How do you overcome risk when it comes to making business decisions?
You don’t overcome risk, you manage it by doing your best to make smart decisions and being willing to pivot when necessary.

5. Why did you decide to become a mentor/ investor for the Hospitality Innovation Hub Incubator?
When Dr. K asks, you answer…he is a great leader! I also have 30+ years of experience in the space and if someone can learn from what I have been through, I am happy to share.

6. What book are you reading now?
How to Calm Your Mind by Chris Bailey

7. What is your favorite vacation destination?
Anywhere with my family

8. What is your favorite movie?
The Godfather

9. Any last words you would like to share…
There are a lot of good business ideas, what makes a great start up concept is being able to marry an idea with a profitable commercial model.

Eric Altschul