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Donatella Delfino

Clinical Professor

Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

  • PHD, Purdue University
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Donatella Delfino is a Clinical Associate Professor of Mathematical Studies at the Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies. As a post-doctoral assistant professor at the University of Michigan, she conducted research in mathematics and was one of the coordinators of the professional development program for new graduate students and faculty members, with responsibilities including presentations in the pre-semester training and classroom observations. Dr. Delfino was the recipient of a National Science Foundation POWRE grant for research and curriculum development in commutative algebra. She has conducted research with undergraduate students at Hope College through the NSF REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) program, and interdisciplinary research with her DAUS colleagues. In addition to teaching, Dr. Delfino is the coordinator of mathematics and science at DAUS.