Evan Auerbach

Adjunct Instructor

Real World

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Evan Auerbach's connection to hip-hop culture spans over four decades. From consumer to mixtape distributor to record label employee and most recently a marketing executive, Evan has battled in all arenas of the business of music. But it's deeper than the business, marketing and merchandising of hip-hop. For him, it's the non-fungible moments that matter. The deep-rooted cultural essence, the indelible touchpoints, both mainstream and fringe, the nuanced memories that can only be uncovered through countless hours of researching and documenting the annals of hip hop.

In 2009, Evan created UpNorthTrips which has been pivotal in sparking a modern wave of obsession with hip-hop collectorism. From mixtapes and flyers, to promo material and posters, Evan's obsession has played an essential role in revitalizing music media's nostalgia for rap ephemera and landmark hip-hop events. At the turn of the ‘10s, the landscape for reputable rap history documentation was sparse. By pairing and understanding the content marketplace and a passion for archiving, Evan dedicated himself to the study and preservation of hip-hop history, becoming one of the most renowned hip-hop historians on the internet. His career and connections in the industry, experience as a writer, and personal collections has made him an acclaimed source for providing rare hip-hop memorabilia to the masses. In 2016, Evan co-authored No Sleep: Nightlife Flyers (1988–1999) with Stretch Armstrong and his second book, Do Remember! The Golden Era of NYC Hip-Hop Mixtapes is set to release in October of 2023.
