Modified Programs


Periodically, and to keep up with trends in theory, application, or industry, academic units seek to revise academic programs. When modifying an existing program, there are several steps and measures to consider. Similar to developing a new program, preparing a proposal for changes to an existing program is time and attention sensitive. It must also consider the impact to students currently enrolled and the alleviation of transition issues for the NYU SPS student population.

The Timeline & Checklist below provides structure in setting expectations, identifying deliverables and understanding the process of developing program modification proposals requiring NYSED review in a timely and well-organized matter. A list of program modifications triggering the need for NYSED review can be found here. To determine if the proposed changes for your program require NYSED review, please consult with the SPS Office of Academic Affairs & Innovation prior to drafting the proposal.

Note: Multiple deliverables may fall under a specific time frame. These time frames serve only as estimations and may vary.

Timeline & Checklist

Phase I: Conception

Phase:II Development

Phase III: Review and Approval

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