Rank, Title, and Privilege Committee


This standing committee is charged with:

1) Annually reviewing the process and criteria for promotion for full-time and adjunct faculty as well as the evaluation sheets used by the committee to review promotion applications and submitting any changes to the SPS Dean for approval.

2) Working with the SPS Dean's office to provide ample notice to all faculty regarding deadline dates for portfolio submission for promotion.

3) Annually reviewing policies related to initial appointment and assignment of rank for full-time and adjunct faculty for consistency with promotion documents and submitting any changes to the SPS Dean for approval.

4) Annually reviewing the hiring policies and forms used by Divisional and Associate Deans and Program Directors to hire new full-time and adjunct faculty and submitting any changes to the SPS Dean for approval.

5) Annually reviewing policies related to privileges of full-time and adjunct faculty such as qualifications for special academic leave, allocations and use of faculty spending accounts, and any other privilege afforded faculty and submitting any changes to the SPS Dean for approval.

6) Reviewing all portfolios submitted for promotion. This review includes:

  • committee members completing written evaluations on standard forms;
  • chairperson creating a composite evaluation sheet incorporating all scores and feedback from the committee;
  • a committee meeting or conference call to determine whether each candidate should be approved, deferred, or denied promotion.
  • submitting the composite evaluation sheets and the committee’s final recommendations to approve, defer, or deny promotion for each candidate to the SPS Dean for final approval.

7) Other projects as requested by the SPS Dean.


Committee Members


Andres Fortino

Clinical Associate Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Milos Bujisic

Clinical Associate Professor

Marketing and Public Relations

Elisa DiCaprio

Clinical Associate Professor

Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

Mechthild Schmidt Feist

Clinical Professor

Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies