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Schack Institute of Real Estate

CREFC Scholars

The Commercial Real Estate Finance Council (CREFC) and the NYUSPS Schack Institute of Real Estate have formed the CREFC Center for Real Estate Finance at the Schack Institute. The Center is supported by an endowment gift to NYU and serves as a hub for industry collaboration on research initiatives, novel programming, and student engagement. The scholarship committee has a special interest in applicants who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to the advancement of underrepresented minorities in commercial real estate finance. CREFC awards up to four (4) scholarships, $40,000 distributed in total, to incoming students pursuing a MS in Real Estate Development or Real Estate Finance. CREFC scholars will also participate in the activities of the CREFC Center, including an annual student research project; and Attend CREFC's two national conferences, held each January and June. Candidates of any background, race, ethnicity, or national origin who have a graduation date later than the fall semester are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Applications for the CREFC Scholarship will be accepted until May 30 each academic year. Announcements will be made by July 30. Please contact the Schack Institute of Real Estate for any questions related to this or other Schack awards at

Scholarship Amount
