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November 2, 2018

NYU School of Professional Studies Schack Institute of Real Estate to Host 51st Annual Conference on Capital Markets in Real Estate Focusing on “Upstarts and Stalwarts: The New Rules of Real Estate Capital”

November 15 Event Will Include Real Estate Industry Leaders MaryAnne Gilmartin, Richard LeFrak, Scott Rechler, Stephen Ross, William Rudin, and Larry Silverstein, Among Others

NEW YORK, November 2 , 2018—The NYU School of Professional Studies (NYUSPS) Schack Institute of Real Estate will host the 51st Annual Conference on Capital Markets in Real Estate, “Upstarts and Stalwarts: The New Rules of Real Estate Capital,” on Thursday, November 15, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at The Pierre in New York City.

For more than 50 years, the Capital Markets Conference has been one of the industry’s most prominent forums on the state of commercial real estate capital markets and investment activity. Once again, the Conference will convene industry leaders for a vigorous debate on global equity and debt capital flows, institutional and private equity investment activity, and emerging sources of market disruption.

Among the five panels presented throughout the day, the Conference will feature “The Golden Apple: The Outlook for New York City,” which will include Maryanne Gilmartin, co-founder & chief executive officer, L&L MAG; Richard Lefrak, chairman & chief executive officer, LeFrak; Scott Rechler, chairman & chief executive officer, RXR Realty; Stephen Ross, chairman & founder, Related Companies; and William Rudin, chief executive officer & co-chairman, Rudin Management Company, in a discussion moderated by Robert Blumenthal, vice chairman and managing director, Americas Real Estate, Gaming, Lodging and Leisure Group, Deutsche Bank Securities.

“We are grateful to our industry partners—all visionary leaders in real estate—who help make the Schack Institute Capital Markets Conference one of the most important industry events in New York City and the nation,” said Conference Host Sam Chandan, Larry & Klara Silverstein Chair in Real Estate Development and Investment, and associate dean of the NYUSPS Schack Institute of Real Estate. “The rich content it delivers is greatly enhanced by the industry experts who participate as panelists and who bring their deep knowledge to the conversation that is shaping real estate capital markets now and in the future."

A new highlight of this year’s agenda is a special workshop on opportunity zones featuring investors, lenders, fund managers, and experts in law and accounting. Workshop participants will include:

Jeffrey Fine, managing director, Goldman Sachs & Co.; Seth Pinsky, executive vice president, RXR Realty; Mitch Rutter, CEO, Essex Capital; Joseph Scalio, partner, KPMG LLP; David Welsh, founder and partner, Normandy Real Estate Partners; James Kuhn, president & chief strategy officer, Newmark Knight Frank; Kirk Sykes, co-founder & managing partner, Merrick Capital Management; James Lang, shareholder, Greenberg Traurig; Dori Nolan, partner & head of investments, Capri Capital Partners; and Robert Wrzosek, managing director, Berkadia. Opportunity zones have quickly emerged as one of the real estate industry’s hottest topics of discussion. By offering favorable tax treatment of unrealized capital gains invested in underserved communities, the program has the potential to unleash a torrent of new real estate activity. In this not-to-be-missed workshop, conference attendees will learn about current fundraising activity and the potential impact of opportunity zone investment on real estate portfolios and neighborhoods across the country.

Also new for 2018 is the Deal Lounge, an informal space set aside for use by conference participants to meet with colleagues on the sidelines of the general session. A conference rapporteur will prepare a special report on the general session proceedings that will be shared with all participants in the weeks following the Conference, along with video highlights of the panels.

This year’s Conference is chaired by Robert S. Blumenthal, vice chairman and managing director, Americas Real Estate, Gaming, Lodging and Leisure Group, Deutsche Bank Securities; and co-chaired by Marty Burger, chief executive officer, Silverstein Properties; Scott Rechler ’90, chairman and chief executive officer, RXR Realty; and Wendy Silverstein, chief investment officer, ARK—a private investment fund sponsored by WeWork.

Larry Silverstein, chairman, Silverstein Properties, will give a special address during the Conference luncheon. See the full conference agenda below.

To register and to view the complete conference agenda online, please visit here.  For registration inquiries, please contact or call 212-992-3618.

If you are a member of the press who wishes to cover the event, please contact Alka Gupta at


General Session Opening Remarks

  • Sam Chandan, PhD FRICS, Larry & Klara Silverstein Chair in Real Estate Development and Investment, and Associate Dean, NYUSPS Schack Institute of Real Estate

Global Debt Capital Flows

  • Matt Borstein, Global Head of Commercial Real Estate, Deutsche Bank [Moderator]
  • Brian J. Baker, Managing Director & Global Head of Commercial Mortgages & Real Estate Special Opportunities, JP Morgan Chase
  • Jeffrey DiModica, President & Managing Director, Starwood Property Trust
  • David Lehman, Global Head of Real Estate Finance, Goldman Sachs
  • Kara McShane, Managing Director, Head of Commercial Real Estate Capital Markets & Finance, Wells Fargo Securities                                                                                 

Drivers of Real Estate Equity

  • Lauren Hochfelder Silverman, Managing Director & Head of MSREI Americas, Morgan Stanley [Moderator]
  • John Jacobsson, Executive Vice President, Capital Markets Related Companies
  • Khaled W. Kudsi, Senior Managing Director, Northwood Investors
  • William (Billy) Rahm, Partner & Senior Managing Director, Centerbridge Partners
  • Wendy Silverstein, Chief Investment Officer ARK—A Private Investment Fund Sponsored by WeWork

Global Sources of Institutional Capital

  • David Gilbert, Chief Executive & Investment Officer, Clarion Partners [Moderator]
  • Karen Horstmann, Portfolio Manager, Norges Bank Investment Management
  • Alisa Mall, Director of Investments, Carnegie Foundation
  • Gary Phillips, Managing Director and Head of Acquisitions, Allianz Real Estate of America
  • Roberta Waxman-Lenz, Portfolio Manager, United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund

Alternative Finance – Rise of the Non-Bank Lenders

  • Marty Burger, Chief Executive Officer, Silverstein Properties [Moderator]
  • Andrea Balkan, Managing Partner, Brookfield Real Estate Financial Partners
  • Michael May, President, Silverstein Capital Partners
  • David Schonbraun, Co-Chief Investment Officer, SL Green
  • Peter Sotoloff, Managing Partner & Chief Investment Officer, Mack Real Estate Credit Strategies
  • Scott Weiner, Chief Investment Officer, Apollo Commercial Real Estate Fina

Conference Luncheon Special Address

  • Larry Silverstein, Chairman, Silverstein Properties

The Golden Apple – The Outlook for New York City

  • Robert Blumenthal, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Real Estate, Gaming, Lodging & Leisure Group, Americas, Deutsche Bank Securities [Moderator]
  • Maryanne Gilmartin, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, L&L MAG
  • Richard Lefrak, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, LeFrak
  • Scott Rechler, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, RXR Realty
  • Stephen Ross, Chairman & Founder, Related Companies
  • William Rudin, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Chairman, Rudin Management Company

General Session Closing Remarks

  • Sam Chandan, PhD FRICS, Larry & Klara Silverstein Chair in Real Estate Development and Investment, and Associate Dean, NYUSPS Schack Institute of Real Estate

Special Workshop – Everything You Need to Know about Opportunity Zones

  • Jeffrey Fine, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs & Co.
  • James Kuhn, President & Chief Strategy Officer, Newmark Knight Frank
  • James Lang, Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig
  • Dori Nolan, Partner & Head of Investments, Capri Capital Partners
  • Seth Pinsky, Executive Vice President, RXR Realty
  • Mitch Rutter, Chief Executive Officer, Essex Capital
  • Joseph Scalio, Partner, KPMG LLC
  • Kirk Sykes, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Merrick Capital Management
  • David Welsh, Founder & Partner, Normandy Real Estate Partners
  • Robert Wrzosek, Managing Director, Berkadia

About the NYU School of Professional Studies Schack Institute of Real Estate

The NYU School of Professional Studies (NYUSPS) Schack Institute of Real Estate was founded in 1967 at the initiative of prominent members of the New York City real estate community, who encouraged NYU to establish an academic center that would provide a world-class education for industry professionals. More than 50 years later, the Schack Institute is at the forefront of real estate education and is recognized globally as one of the world’s leading centers of real estate research and pedagogy. Across the Institute’s graduate degree programs—notably the MS in Real Estate, the MS in Construction Management, and the MS in Real Estate Development—as well as a rapidly expanding undergraduate degree program, enrollment has grown to nearly 1,000 full- and part-time students from across the US and nearly 50 other countries. In addition to its flagship degree programs, thousands of working professionals enroll in the Schack Institute’s executive education, Diploma, and Career Advancement courses each year.

An anchor of real estate academia’s engagement with industry, the Institute is home to the REIT Center, the Center for the Sustainable Built Environment (SBE), and the newly established Urban Lab. In addition, the Institute hosts national industry events, including annual conferences on real estate capital markets and the REIT sector. Under the direction of the Schack Institute’s faculty members, ongoing applied research at the Institute spans an exceptional range of issues in real estate development and investment, urban economics, and market structure and regulation. For more information about the NYUSPS Schack Institute of Real Estate, visit

About the NYU School of Professional Studies

Established in 1934, the NYU School of Professional Studies (NYUSPS) is one of NYU’s several degree-granting schools and colleges—each with a unique academic profile. The reputation of NYUSPS arises from its place as the NYU home for industry-focused education and applied research that is related to key knowledge-based fields, in which the New York region leads globally. This is manifest in the School’s diverse graduate, undergraduate, and Professional Pathways programs that span a broad range of disciplines including: Accounting, Finance, and Law; Applied Health; Arts, Design, and Film, and TV; Economic and Urban Development; English Language Learning; Entrepreneurship; Fundraising and Grantmaking; Global Affairs; Global Security, Conflict, and Cybercrime; Hospitality, Travel, and Tourism Management; Humanities; Human Resource Management and Development; Languages; Management and Systems; Marketing; Professional Writing; Project Management; Public Relations and Corporate Communication; Publishing; Real Estate, Real Estate Development, and Construction Management; Sports Business; and Translation.

More than 80 distinguished full-time faculty members collaborate with an exceptional cadre of practitioner/adjunct faculty members and lecturers to create a vibrant professional and academic environment that educates nearly 5,400 degree-seeking students from around the globe each year. In addition, the School fulfills the recurrent professional education needs of local, national, and international economies, as evidenced by over 18,000 Professional Pathways enrollments in Career Advancement Courses, Certificates, and Diploma Programs. The School’s community is enriched by nearly 25,000 degree-holding alumni worldwide, many of whom serve as mentors, guest speakers, and advisory board members. For more information about the NYU School of Professional Studies, visit

PR Contacts

Alka Gupta
