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June 23, 2020

NYU School of Professional Studies Division of Programs in Business to Host the 2020 Federal Real Estate and Partnerships Tax Webinar on June 25 and 26

This Year’s Conference Will be Free of Charge, and Will Focus on Provisions Related to the CARES Act and Tax Issues Stemming from the COVID-19 Pandemic  

NEW YORK, June 23, 2020 – On June 25-26, the NYU School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS) Division of Programs in Business’ Finance, Law, and Taxation programs will host a webinar version of its annual Federal Real Estate and Partnerships Tax Conference. The Conference, which is usually held on-site, has been moved to a virtual format to ensure the safety of attendees and panelists. All registration fees have been waived for this event.

This year’s NYU Federal Real Estate and Partnerships Tax Webinar, the second offering in the new NYU SPS Webinar Tax Series, will focus on new and proposed changes, the latest rulings and regulations, and issues affecting real estate and partnership taxation, including discussions on provisions related to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and emerging tax issues resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Conference, co-chaired by Blake D. Rubin Esq., senior advisor, National Tax Group, EY; Andrea M. Whiteway, Esq., principal, National Tax Group, EY; and Paul H. Wilner, CPA, managing partner, Grossberg & Company, is designed for accountants, attorneys, and tax and real estate professionals, at all levels, who are involved in the planning and transactional work related to partnerships and real estate taxation. Participants qualify for CPE and CLE credits.

For more information, please contact Kathleen Costello at 212-992-3320 or email

For media inquiries, please contact Michael DeMeo at or Alka Gupta at

Thursday, June 25 and Friday, June 26, 2020

Thursday, June 25:
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. 

CARES Act Provisions  
Overview of the CARES Act; timing and other relief provisions, Qualified Improvement Property (QIP); business interest limitation (IRC Section 163(j)); limitation on business losses (IRC Section 461(l)); net operating losses (IRC Section 172); Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness.

  • Blake D. Rubin Esq., Senior Advisor, National Tax Group, EY, Washington, DC
  • Andrea M. Whiteway, Esq., Principal, National Tax Group, EY, Washington, DC
  • Paul H. Wilner, CPA, Managing Partner, Grossberg & Company, Bethesda MD
  • Ryan P. McCormick, Esq., Senior Vice President & Counsel, The Real Estate Roundtable, Washington, DC

Friday, June 26:
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Tax Issues Arising During the Pandemic
Distressed lease issues; rent abatement and deferral; force majeure; lease modifications; application of IRC Section 165(i) disaster loss rules; distressed real estate and loan workout issues.

  • Blake D. Rubin Esq., Senior Advisor, National Tax Group, EY, Washington, DC
  • Paul H. Wilner, CPA, Managing Partner, Grossberg & Company, Bethesda MD
  • Glenn M. Johnson, Esq., Principal, National Tax Group, EY, Washington DC
  • Brian J. O’Connor, Esq., Partner, Venable, Washington, DC

New NYU SPS Webinar Tax Series

To support and serve the NYU Tax Community, NYU SPS is developing a new series of tax webinars to be delivered over the summer. Additional sessions will follow weekly (excluding the week of June 29-July 3) concluding on July 30.  This is an exceptional way to learn about what the IRS is doing, stay current on recent developments, and fulfill CLE and CPE requirements over the summer. More information will be available shortly.

Save the Date for Next Year’s Conference
Next year, the NYU Federal Real Estate and Partnerships Tax Conference will take place live and in person on June 17-18, 2021 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC, featuring the same powerful and thought-provoking content that is so critical to those who attend the Conference each year.

About the NYU SPS Department of Finance and Law Programs
The NYU SPS Department of Finance and Law Programs has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an accredited provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York. The NYU School of Professional Studies Department of Finance and Law Programs is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.

About the NYU School of Professional Studies
For 85 years, the NYU School of Professional Studies has been a deeply respected institution of higher education that is grounded in applied learning. From its early years, training returning World War II veterans to fulfill the nation’s urgent need for skilled technical workers, it has evolved into a professional education powerhouse that offers 20 graduate degrees, 13 bachelor’s degrees for traditional and post-traditional students, four associate’s degrees, and a plethora of non-degree courses and credentials.

NYUSPS is a thought leader, and serves as an incubator for new ideas in industries that are constantly changing, including real estate, real estate development, and construction management; hospitality, tourism, travel, and event management; global affairs and global security, conflict, and cybercrime; global sport and sports business; publishing; marketing; public relations; project management; executive coaching and organizational consulting, human resource management and development, and human capital analytics and technology; management and systems; translation; and professional writing. It is focused on building skills that open doors to opportunities in emerging fields and global markets. NYUSPS faculty members are leading experts in their areas of discipline, with a hands-on approach that encourages students to push beyond their limits and to break new ground.

Home to some of the largest and most prestigious industry conferences in the world, including the Schack Institute of Real Estate’s Capital Markets Conference, REIT Symposium, and National Symposium of Women in Real Estate; and the Jonathan M. Tisch Center’s International Hospitality Industry Investment Conference, the School’s invaluable connections to industry leaders is a truly distinguishing factor in the education that it provides. Through career development services and resources provided by the NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development at NYUSPS, guest lecturers, site visits, participation in numerous conferences and events, and Global Field Intensives, students benefit from an NYU education that will set them apart. In addition, they have the opportunity to learn from and network with more than 27,000 NYUSPS alumni who live, work, and contribute to innovation in industry around the world.

PR Office Contacts

Michael DeMeo

Alka Gupta