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January 24, 2023

DAUS Student Spotlight: BS in Leadership & Management Studies’ Katherine Likourezos

Katherine Likourezos, a student in the online BS in Leadership and Management Studies program at the NYU SPS Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies (DAUS), lives on Long Island, New York, where she graduated from Our Lady of Mercy Academy in 2021. During her first year of college, she attended Northeastern University’s Global ConnEXions Program. While enrolled in the virtual program, she realized that her preferred method of education is online learning. She transferred to NYU SPS in August 2022 and quickly started engaging with the community. She is vice president of the Student Association for Applied Studies (SAAS) at NYU SPS.

What are you passionate about?
My passions and interests include business, entrepreneurship, and leadership. I am taking an International Entrepreneurship course during the spring semester, so I am looking forward to learning more about the topic.

Why did you choose to come to NYU SPS and DAUS?
NYU SPS is a leader in education that places a primary focus on career development. Also, when meeting with admissions officers, they were open to answering any questions and made me feel welcome. I chose to study in the DAUS program because it is designed for transfer students like myself and because of its fully online programs. After my year at Northeastern University, I knew that I wanted to continue being an online student, and I was pleased to see that DAUS offered online degree completion programs.

What is your area of study?
I am studying Leadership and Management with a concentration in International Business and Global Management. After completing several group projects during my first year of college, I noticed that I am able to successfully manage and lead groups with my problem-solving and teamwork skills. Therefore, I aspire to be a company’s business manager in the future.

How have you found the academic experience at NYU SPS?
The academic experience has been great thus far! I am an online student because I find that learning asynchronously is much more enriching. Having to teach myself course material while staying motivated, disciplined, and focused has transformed me into a more successful student. Plus, since I do not have to spend time traveling, I have more time to devote to my studies and projects. Since most of my classes are small, I can connect with my peers and teachers well and engage in great discussions with them.

How have you been able to take advantage of all that SPS offers while studying online?
I have been able to take advantage of the SPS experience while being an online student through social media. From September to December 2022, I was the social media chair of the Student Association for Applied Studies (SAAS). I contributed to the SPS experience by sharing posts about upcoming SAAS events and engaging with peers and club members online. I have enjoyed being a SAAS officer and recently accepted the offer to become the Association’s vice president. Additionally, I attend virtual SPS events to engage with the SPS community.

Do you have a favorite professor or class and why?
My favorite professor and class are Professor Valinsky and her Critical Thinking course. I took the course during the January 2023 term. Professor Valinsky’s assignments and feedback made me think about images, films, and texts in a different light. I was taught how to look beyond the surface of works, and think about what they are revealing, while connecting messages and themes in a larger context.

What do you hope to gain from your studies at NYU SPS?
I hope to gain a greater understanding of business that will provide a solid foundation for a lucrative career. I also hope to form lasting friendships with those in the SPS community, to stay connected, and to continue learning from each other.

What are your plans for the future?
I am not working currently, but I am seeking an internship for summer 2023 to strengthen my understanding of leadership and management.

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