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Management and Technology


The SPS graduate programs in Management and Technology provide you with the competitive advantage in various industries. These programs prepare you to lead and manage information technology initiatives and projects in local and global organizations.

STEM Designation

The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) designation is assigned to programs that have quantitative/technical focus and enable students to participate in a longer optional practical training post-graduation.

Practitioner Faculty

Access to faculty who are industry experts, knowledgeable professionals, and thought leaders who engage with learners from multiple backgrounds and skill levels.

Applied Curriculum

Applied fields of study that emphasize hands-on and experiential learning in technology-related disciplines.


Our programs are designed to prepare leaders in the functional areas of management and technology.

Program Structure

Hybrid Program
Campus Program
Online Program

Graduate Degrees

MS in Project Management

The curriculum is designed to help students obtain technical skills and knowledge, become leaders in project management, and develop strategic and business management expertise. 100% online, on-site, or hybrid degree options available.

MS in Management and Analytics

This degree is designed to equip future leaders with the knowledge to navigate significant industry transformation, such as big data and AI. On-site or hybrid degree options available.

Professional Development and Certificates

The Management and Technology (M&T) department provides professional development certificates and open enrollment courses in project management, agile management, data visualization, programming, user interface/user experience, and web development. These standalone, professional development courses provide students with the opportunity to build upon their current professional insights, to enhance personal enrichment, and to acquire skills for a second career.

The five certificates in Agile Project Management, Data Visualization, Full Stack Web Development, Software Development with Python, and Project Management Fundamental Tools and Techniques combine courses into a comprehensive, cohesive tool kit for the working professional.

Hear What Our Students Have To Say

Activities & Initiatives

Projects Today...Solutions Tomorrow

The Project Management degree provides you with an opportunity to cultivate your professional skills in an interdisciplinary program that incorporates active learning with coverage of all facets of project management practice and knowledge domains.

Technology and Systems to Lead Global Businesses

The Management and Systems degree prepares you to manage the application of technology to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations. You learn the latest technological solutions, industry trends and best practices to lead organization initiatives.

Division of Programs in Business Celebrates M.S. in Project Management Accreditation

Message from the Department Chair
Steven Goss
Department Chair, Clinical Associate Professor

The Management and Technology Department at the NYU School of Professional Studies is designed to prepare graduates to advance in one of two highly sought-after career paths: project management and information technology management. The Master of Science in Project Management and Management and Systems prepare students to be competitive members of the workforce across business functions, industries, and borders. These programs have the STEM designation due to their emphasis on quantitative and technical aspects involved in the management of projects and information technology initiatives. 

Featured Faculty

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Mariya Breyter

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Peter Peng

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Jimmy K Pang

Adjunct Instructor

Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies


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NYU SPS Division of Programs in Business' Inaugural AI Accelerator Challenge with Microsoft
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December 6, 2022
DPB Student Spotlight: MS in Management and Systems’ Mehar Gudh
November 8, 2022
Couple from India Pursues Their Passions within Different NYU SPS Graduate Degree Programs
January 7, 2022
Alumni Conversation with Sabina Ewing '11
October 20, 2021
Dean Ihrig Hosts Fireside Chat with Management Expert and Author Rachel Pacheco
Upcoming Events

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