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February 7, 2020

Division of Programs in Business Celebrates M.S. in Project Management Accreditation

February 7, 2020 - The NYU School of Professional Studies (NYUSPS), Division of Programs in Business celebrated the recent accreditation of its M.S. in Project Management Program (MSPM) on Thursday, February 6, 2020.  Receiving this prestigious accreditation from the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Global Accreditation Center (GAC) confirms this graduate degree’s distinguished credentials in academic rigor and global application with an additional designation of “Notable” for the strength of curricula and learning outcomes indicating exemplary practice in the field. The accreditation process carefully analyzes the scale, scope, and academic quality of the program in line with premier international standards.

The celebration event welcomed the MSPM faculty, students, administrators, alumni, industry leaders, and PMI representatives in recognition of this defining moment for the program. In his address, Associate Dean of the Division of Programs in Business, Dr. Martin Ihrig, highlighted that "this process opens up academia to industry and shows we can do both theory and practice."

Having launched in Fall 2015, the MSPM program has grown exponentially and currently serves over 200 students.  With its STEM designation and fully online asynchronous option, the program is primed to meet the needs of a diverse group of learners both domestically as well as internationally.  Clinical Assistant Professor Edward Kleinert believes this accreditation establishes the program as one of the top providers of global project management education. "We are delighted that the PMI Global Accreditation Committee has awarded the program the status of 'Distinguished' curriculum," Professor Kleinert said. "We are translators of knowledge to practice each step of the way and are always focused on continuous process improvement, in all that we do."

Please join us in congratulating all of the key partners who have helped elevate the M.S. in Project Management program to this esteemed distinction.

[Photo caption - DPB Faculty, Students, Alumni, Industry Professionals, & Administrative Staff gather to celebrate the M.S. in Project Management’s recent accreditation by the Project Management Institute.]


Paul Goncalves