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NYU SPS Wasserman Center

A Hybrid Career Center

The NYU SPS Wasserman Center supports School of Professional Studies students and alumni, virtually and in-person. To schedule career coaching appointments, login to Handshake (via NYU Home or or email

Career Management at NYU SPS

To ensure students and alumni are prepared to manage lifelong professional success, the NYU SPS Wasserman Center partners with you on activating a career wellness mindset to successfully manage the changing world of work, while being true to your values, life’s purpose and having a growth mindset.

Wasserman by the numbers


coaching appointments conducted annually with SPS students in-person and virtually


employers & industry professionals participate annually in NYUSPS Wasserman career programs


virtual webinars hosted on various industry and career topics

Meet the Team

The NYU SPS Wasserman Center for Career Development is your partner in activating your professional goals and career aspirations. We specialize in transitions from students entering the world of work, to experienced professionals returning to school.

Hire and Engage with NYU SPS Talent

NYU SPS connects organizations to global talent from entry-level to experienced. Areas of study are functional and industry-specific, offering solutions to complex hiring needs.

Career Success

Professional success at NYU SPS is defined in many ways by students and alumni; from exploring new career paths, landing opportunities in global locations, receiving promotions and finding happiness in their careers.

Contact Us

The NYU SPS Wasserman Center is available to answer questions by phone at 212-998-7205 or by email at

A member of our team will reply to you within one business day.



7 East 12th Street, 5th Floor

20 West 43rd Street, Suite 1009


Office Hours

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm ET

  • Morning Appointments (8-9am ET) offered virtually - check Handshake for availability
  • Evening Appointments (5-7pm ET) offered virtually - check Handshake for availability