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June 12, 2023

NYU School of Professional Studies Division of Programs in Business Hosts the 2023 Federal Real Estate and Partnerships Tax Conference in Washington, DC

Nationally Recognized Experts to Provide Updates on Timely Changes, Rulings, Regulations, and Trends Impacting Real Estate and Partnership Taxation

New York, NY, June 12, 2023 The NYU School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS) Division of Programs in Business’ Finance and Taxation programs is pleased to announce the Federal Real Estate and Partnerships Tax Conference at the Mayflower Hotel on June 22-23, 2023, in Washington, DC.

Attendees engage in two full days of advanced-level learning designed for accountants, attorneys, and tax and real estate professionals involved in the planning and transactional work related to partnership and real estate taxation. This year’s speaker line-up features nationally recognized experts who will guide participants through in-depth sessions and discussions that cover today’s most advanced tax issues and present action plans that can be put into practice immediately.

The 2023 Conference’s lauded post-luncheon addresses feature an “Ask the Experts” panel including conference co-chair Andrea M. Whiteway, Esq., principal of EY, among others on Thursday, June 22, and a “Legislative Outlook for Real Estate” with Ryan P. McCormick, Esq., senior VP and counsel of the Real Estate Roundtable, on Friday, June 23. Paul H. Wilner, CPA, partner at Grossberg Company, shares co-chair duties with Whiteway.

Some of this year’s sessions and industry guests include:

  • Shifts in Sharing of Appreciation of Partnership Assets and Crystallization of Promote Interests
    • Paul H. Wilner, CPA, Partner, Grossberg Company, Bethesda, MD
  • Estate Planning for Real Estate Entrepreneurs
    • Jeanne L. Newlon, Esq., Partner, Venable, Washington, DC
    • Douglas L. Siegler, Esq., Partner, Venable, Washington, DC
  • Opportunity Zones
    • Brian J. O’Connor, Esq., Partner, Venable, Washington, DC
    • Steven R. Schneider, Esq., Partner, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, Washington, DC
    • Paul H. Wilner, CPA, Partner, Grossberg Company, Bethesda, MD
  • Working with the Section 752 Partnership Liability Allocation Rules
    • Andrea M. Whiteway, Esq., Principal, EY, Washington, DC
  • Update on Recent and Pending Developments from the Government Perspective
    • Adrienne M. Mikolashek, Esq., Deputy Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries), Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC
    • Sarah Haradon, Esq., Attorney-Advisor, Office of Tax Policy, US Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC
  • Creative Planning for Cross-Border Real Estate Investment
    • David L. Friedline, Esq., Partner Deloitte Tax, New York, NY
    • Michael Hirschfeld, Esq., Managing Director, Andersen Tax, New York, NY

In addition to the conference, NYU SPS will host a networking reception on Thursday, June 22, at 5:00 p.m., where attendees can meet and network with our distinguished speakers personally and fellow tax practitioners and industry executives from across the country.

EY and Grossberg LLC are program sponsors for this year’s NYU SPS Federal Real Estate and Partnerships Tax Conference.

View the current agenda for the 2023 Federal Real Estate and Partnerships Tax Conference.

For more information, please contact Kathleen Costello at 212-992-3320 or email

If you are a member of the media who would like to report on the sessions, please contact Michael DeMeo at

About the NYU SPS Department of Finance and Taxation Program
The NYU SPS Department of Finance and Taxation Program has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education in New York. The NYU School of Professional Studies Department of Finance and Taxation Program is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.

NYU School of Professional Studies
For nearly 90 years, the NYU School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS) has been a deeply respected institution of higher education grounded in applied learning. From its early years, training returning World War II veterans to fulfill the nation’s urgent need for skilled technical workers, it has evolved into a professional education powerhouse that offers 21 graduate degrees, 14 bachelor’s degrees for traditional and degree completion students, four associate degrees, and a plethora of continuing education courses and credentials.

Home to some of the largest and most prestigious industry conferences in the world, including the NYU SPS Institute on Federal Taxation, the Schack Institute of Real Estate’s Capital Markets Conference, REIT Symposium, and National Symposium of Women in Real Estate; and the Jonathan M. Tisch Center’s International Hospitality Industry Investment Conference, the School’s invaluable connections to industry leaders is a truly distinguishing factor in the education that it provides. Through career development services and resources provided by the NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development at NYU SPS, guest lecturers, site visits, participation in numerous conferences and events, and Global Field Intensives, students benefit from an NYU education that will set them apart. In addition, they have the opportunity to learn from and network with more than 41,000 NYU SPS alumni who live, work, and contribute to innovation in industries around the world. To learn more about NYU SPS, visit

PR Office Contacts

Michael DeMeo