SPS Faculty Council


The role of the faculty in shaping educational policies, procedures, and the overall direction of SPS is essential.  Faculty expertise provides a breadth of knowledge in making decisions to guide the academic life of the school.  The complexity, size, and diversity of SPS require that faculty voice be heard through an elected representative body.  The Faculty Council serves to promote the common interest of faculty by participating in dialogue with and making recommendations to the Dean of SPS and the Dean’s Leadership Council in matters that include but are not limited to:

●     Rank for initial faculty appointments, faculty promotions, responsibilities, rights, grievances and privileges

●     Relations and representation within the University

●     Curricular changes, academic standards, and student learning outcomes

●     Review and evaluation of faculty performance

●     Student academic performance and classroom conduct

To promote transparency and provide additional feedback to the SPS Dean, the Faculty Council: 


●     Reviews the Dean’s annual strategic plan and budget report

●     Provides the Dean with an annual, year-end report that summarizes the work of the Council and  reviews the progress, direction, and        leadership of SPS
●     Conducts an annual meeting with the Dean to discuss the Council’s year-end report 

The Bylaws of the Faculty Council are designed to assure faculty representation across departments and programs in SPS.  They also serve to provide public knowledge of the responsibilities and operating procedures of the Council and its committees.  

The roles and responsibilities of the Faculty Council are outlined in the SPS Faculty Council Charter.


Council Members

Executive Committee


Shoshana Bass

Clinical Assistant Professor

Project Management & Information Technology

Vice Chair

David S Abrams

Clinical Associate Professor

Preston Robert Tisch Institute for Global Sport


Sonjaya S Gaur

Clinical Professor

Marketing and Public Relations


Zair Cheema

Clinical Assistant Professor

Schack Institute of Real Estate


Chyng-Feng Sun

Clinical Professor

Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies


Christopher T Gaffney

Clinical Professor

Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality


Bahriye Goren

Clinical Associate Professor

Marketing and Public Relations


Dustin C Jones

Clinical Associate Professor

Schack Institute of Real Estate


Jenny McPhee

Clinical Associate Professor

Center for Publishing


Michael F Oppenheimer

Clinical Professor

Center for Global Affairs


Antonios Saravanos

Clinical Professor

Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

Adjunct Representative

Yorke E Rhodes III

Adjunct Instructor

Marketing and Public Relations

Adjunct Representative

Karl Seidenwurm

Adjunct Instructor

Schack Institute of Real Estate

Adjunct Alternate Representative

Moustafa M Ahmed

Adjunct Instructor

Project Management & Information Technology

Adjunct Alternate Representative

Bahar Tabakoglu

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies

Standing Committees of the Faculty Council


The primary responsibility of the Student Affairs Committee is to work closely with the Director of Student Affairs on creating, reviewing, and revising policies related to students’ academic performance, classroom behavior, and academic experience.



The primary responsibility of the Curriculum Committee is to review and evaluate all curriculum changes submitted by any department to the Dean of SPS.



The Nominating and Voting Committee collaborates with the Office of Faculty Affairs on nominations and voting processes to fill vacant representative seats on school and university committees and councils.